
The Trouble with Tuesdays

Yesterday, I woke up and started the day with another Yoga workout.  This time I opted for a practice in Ashtanga (Power) Yoga.  I'm definitely feeling the muscle ache this morning; which - though masochistic - is always a nice feeling. Just need to stay on this routine!

Despite my good start to the day, yesterday was just one of those weird days.  You know, the kind where you feel like everything is kind of off, and you just can't seem to do anything right?

It all started when I decided to try knitting.  Now, I have knitting needles, and had learned how to knit a couple of years ago.  However, aside from my month-long endeavor back in 2009, I haven't touched the needles & yarn in quite a while.  As such, I needed a refresher on how to cast on, create my first row, transition to the second row of knit, transition to purl, etc.  Well, needless to say, I didn't have any problems with casting on - which is really just getting the first needle stitched - but after that I must have watched 6 different YouTube videos and re-read the section on transitions in my "I Taught Myself to Knit" book more times than I care to mention.  I would think I had it, then the stitch would get to tight, I couldn't get my other needle in the loop, I accidentally grabbed two stitches versus one....the list of all the things I did wrong kept growing.  Needless to say, after almost two hours of video watching, frustrated grumbles (and other choice words), and a series of pulling the yarn off the needles and starting all over, the only thing I had knitted myself was a headache.  Thus, I was grumpy, frustrated that I couldn't re-teach myself something that I had already learned, and irritated that I had wasted two hours of the day.

I started putzing around the house, picking things up here and there and re-feng shue'ing different rooms. I put together a little memory box of some of our wedding items in a beautiful Pottery Barn piece that one of my best friend's had gifted us.  Before I knew it, it was 4:15 pm and I wasn't really sure what I had accomplished that day.

I had received a text earlier in the day from Matt.  He said he would be getting home around 5:30.  I had been soaking black beans all day, and realized I probably needed to go start the dinner I had been planning to make that night.  When I looked at the recipe again, I realized I was missing wine and chicken broth, and so - at 4:30 - I ran out to the grocery store to pick up the last minute items.

The hubby made it home before I did - around 5:15 - and was scouring the cupboards and fridge for a snack before dinner.  It's so different being married and cooking for two now.  His appetite is far superior to mine, and when he's hungry, he wants food in his stomach, time meow.

I had intended on having dinner already on the stove and simmering by the time I started prepping all the food (chopping up pork roast, onions, peppers, tomatillos, garlic, etc.) at 5:30, and I realized quickly that I hadn't really thought the meal out as well as I should have.  Luckily, I have a saint for a husband, who helped with the dicing and the slicing. However, when I realized dinner wouldn't be ready until 7:30, I became extremely irritated. I felt like I had wasted three hours of the day due to knitting and running to the grocery store in the nth hour.  I kept apologizing for the food being late, and felt like I was rushing to complete the meal - which I HATE doing.  The soup turned out pretty well, all-in-all.  But after dinner when the glass of red wine - which was grazed by a passing hand - fell off the side table and onto my cream colored carpet, that's when I totally lost it and just started crying.  Matt made me leave the room while he cleaned up the carpet, and I finished cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen - slamming doors and acting like a 6 year old having a bad day. After my rant I went to my bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror, realizing I was reacting poorly.  By the end of the night, after a few assuring hugs and a kiss from the hubby, I felt better.

This morning I awoke to a beautiful day in the country; frost on the trees and a happy orange sun in the sky. After my exploits yesterday, I realized that I really need to create a schedule for myself each day. I've been so used to going to a job every day and having something to occupy my time, that when left with a full day to just do whatever, I don't maximize the time.  So, here's to developing a schedule, and resolving to never have another Tuesday like that ever again!

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